Enersight Connections

Note: Access to the Enersight Connections screen requires the role 'Dataflow/Manage Enersight Connections' (see Roles).

Note: Enersight version 2.14 or later is required to connect with the Enersight data loader.

The Enersight Connections configuration screen is used to create and modify connections for Quorum Software Enersight, which are used in the Enersight data loader in the Manage Data workspace; see Load from Enersight.

To create a new connection, use the Add button in the Enersight Connections tab on the ribbon.

To edit a connection, select it in the list, and click the Edit button on the ribbon.

Connection parameters

Each connection requires the information shown in the following table. Your local Quorum Software administrator should provide the necessary details for the Enersight server.

Field Description
Name Friendly name for the connection.
Server Address URL for the server.
Enersight Version The Enersight software version used for this connection. If the field is blank, the latest available version will be used.
User Name User Name to access the server.
Security Key Security Key to access the server.

Note: You must click the Save button on the ribbon to store any changes that you make.

Access control by workgroups

As an additional security control, each connection can only be used by user accounts that belong to a workgroup specified in the connection's Access Permissions field (note the 'Administrators' workgroup always has access). By default, no workgroup is added. To change this, double click in the field, and click the ellipsis ... button that appears. Then select/de-select workgroups in the selection dialog. To allow all users, select the 'Everyone' workgroup.

Test a connection

You can test any connection by opening the connection for editing, and clicking the Test Connection button in the Edit Connection dialog.

Delete a connection

To delete a connection, select it in the list, and click the Delete button on the ribbon.